
Let survey the elements of Clojure constructs. Each programming construct is actually a fragment of Clojure’s data descriptive language.

General Lisp s-forms

A s-expression is defined recursively as:

  1. atoms are s-expressions: number, string, symbol
  2. ( <atom>* ) are s-expressions

The default semantics of s-expressions is function invocation:

In Python, we do:

print(a, b, c)

In s-expression we will have:

(print a b c)

Clojure extends s-expresses with its extended data structures:

  1. Vectors
  2. Hashmaps

We will refer to this extended s-expression syntax also as s-expressions.

Top-level symbols

Clojure programs start with a top level.

Actually, later on, we will see that Clojure program can (and usually do) have multiple top-level scopes associated with different namespaces.

Symbols can be defined at the top-level using the form.

(def pi 3.1415)

(def todos [{:priority 2
             :title "Summer school"
             :status :in-progress}

            {:priority 1
             :title "Course preparation"
             :note "CSCI 2000U is a new course"
             :status :incomplete}])

Top-level symbol bindings are discouraged except for top-level functions.


Scopes are nested, and they are created almost all the time. It might be useful to keep in mind the following:

  1. When a new scope is created?
  2. What are the bindings created in the new scope?

The let form

(let [ <sym> <val> 
       <sym> <val>
       ... ] ...)

Declaring functions

Functions are also data, and you construct a function-value using the (fn [...] ...) form.

Here is a function-value that is declared, but not bound to any symbol.

(fn [a b c]
  (let [n 3]
    (/ (+ a b c) n)))

In side the fn form, we have four symbols. Note that there is no bindings for a, b nor c because these bindings will be created only when the function is applied to given arguments.

We can bind the function to a symbol so it can be used repeatedly.

(def avg-3 (fn [a b c] 
             (/ (+ a b c) 3)))

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